Years of experience
Natal chart readings
Business world clients


Years of experience


Natal chart readings


Business world individuals


Our Humastro concept aims to bring a positive light into your life. Through relaxed communication and stories, we come to fruitful conclusions. To give you that spark we all seek from time to time. Pause, listen to your inner voice, and focus on who you are by birth and how far you have come. Accept your power and understand how to use it. Those personal life choices, interactions, and stories that you shared with us in the session will stay between us. Your personal story is yours to hold on to and we have no right to distribute it.

Our sinergy

Weare life partners and have been working on Humastro for 12 years. We have experience and education in social sciences and engineering field. We both worked in Serbia and abroad. In big multinational companies and in small local organizations. Our love for astrology is the product of our cooperation and joint effort to develop ourselves and work on natal chart opportunities.


Our clients are people from around the world whom we met through our work or social groups. Performed +500 natal chart readings out of which more than +50 to a variety of professionals and individuals in the business world.

Data protection and sharing

We confirm that your date of birth, hour and place of birth will not be shared with anyone and will be used only for purpose of astrological reading.